How to get through the “Oh Sh*%” part of wedding planning
If you’re reading this then you’re probably aware of the fact that weddings are stressful and wedding planning fatigue is a real thing. Surprisingly enough - everyone hits a little wall at some point during planning. There’s normally a moment in time (and for a select few - that moment lasts 9-12 months) where you just say “oh sh*#, where am I?! What am I supposed to be doing?!?! I’m not going to get through this alive!!!!”. Don’t worry - that’s normal. Here are some tips to get you over the hump.
1. Be Decisive
This is the most important piece. Make a decision and move on. Not all decisions are crucial so don’t let every little thing take all of your mental power. You’ll need some brain power for the things that are important! There will be tons of little decisions to make so just go with your gut, make a decision and move one. 2-3x throughout planning you’ll have to circle back around and make adjustments so don’t dwell too long on any one thing. Be decisive and keep it moving.
2. Don’t sweat the small stuff
I remember a time when monogrammed paper napkins were a trend. That really happened. I had one bride in particular that had a melt down the day prior over them and I guarantee not one person at her event remembered anything about the napkins. Don’t be that person. There will be little things here and there that don’t quite follow your Cinderella story line but that’s ok. In the end - nonb
3. Find a Solid Checklist/Planner to keep all of the things and make a wedding email address specifically for all things wedding
An organizer and separate email address can work wonders in keeping your thoughts and notes in a straight line. Having one place for EVERYTHING wedding related and keeping things together will help you feel more organized and sane. Here’s the planner we’ve created for such a time as this.
4. Make a list of 3 things that are non-negotiables and go with the flow for the rest
When dealing with a budget there have to be some things you’re willing to budge on. Make a list of the things that are most important to you and your fiancee and be flexible on the rest.
5.Create a website and a have a designated point person (or two) for guests and bridal party
Even with a planner - having a designated point person for yourself who is, in essence, a gatekeeper will definitely be a game-changer. You’d be amazed at how many people will ask you questions about things like where they are supposed to park. When you get asked 150x about parking - you can go a little batty. So let someone else handle all the little tedious things and you concentrate on enjoying the process.
In the end, just keep in mind - everyone has anxiety about their wedding day. It’s totally normal to feel the pressure because this is a big decision and the most important day of your life. But it’s important because of the people, not the things. Just keep in mind that when it’s all said and done - this is a party! It’s the ultimate gathering of the most important people in your life. You will likely never have this amazing group of people in one room ever again in your entire lifetime so don’t let anxiety steal the best day of your existence. Live in it. Soak it up and enjoy all your hard work.